Education & Workforce
New York State’s strong community college system is geared toward technical careers and feeds four-year academic institutions, supports continuing education, vocational training, and workforce development. Locally, our Community College system has created adaptable degree and certificate programs to meet industry needs (e.g., Mechatronics, Airframe, and Power Plant, Cleanroom Technicians and Electronics Technicians, Precision Welding, Construction Trades, CNC/Machinists, HVAC, UAS technologies).
The Marcy Nanocenter offers:
- Continued and sustainable growth of skilled workforce using New York’s strong education/training resources.
- Ability to leverage the SUNY system’s 64 institutions, including research universities, academic medical centers, liberal arts colleges, community colleges, colleges of technology and an online learning network.
- Local Community Colleges have proven track record offering customizable programs for advanced manufacturing and thin-film industry.
- Advanced Manufacturing Performance (AMP) Center
- SUNY Poly awarded $1.75 M from US EDA and ESD for Advanced Manufacturing Performance Center to support high-tech career pathways in the Mohawk Valley and Capital Region.
- NEATEC Center:
- The Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC) is an ATE Regional Center funded by the National Science Foundation NEATEC fulfills the needs of the nanotechnology and semiconductor manufacturing industries in New York State and Western New England by supporting the education and training of technicians.
- Led by SUNY Polytechnic Institute, the Center represents a collaborative partnership that includes manufacturers, community colleges, regional high schools, Fort Drum military installation, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and refugee centers.
- P-Tech Program:
- Mohawk Valley has three local P-TECH programs with more than 100 students enrolled for STEM-based careers.
- P-TECH model mirrors STEM-focused work-based learning programs implemented in Brooklyn with the goal to scale programs statewide.
- MVCC Mechatronics Program
- MVCC has focused on creating direct pathways to nanotechnology careers offering 2-year degrees, 1-year certificates, and training programs.
- MVCC Mechatronics 1-Year Certificate Program for advanced manufacturing technicians has proved very successful for regional semiconductor employers.
- MVCC Training Lab:
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Automated Training Lab - Part of the local incentive package is the build-out of a training center for Cree workforce.
- Community Foundation and EDGE with MV College Foundation supported build-out of space adjacent to MVCC’s thINCubator.
- MV Tech Corps Program:
- Supplements federal Jobs Corps Program to expand eligibility for tech and trades certificates (8-month program) to support advanced manufacturing and other trades
- Program provides full tuition and fees for students between the ages of 17-24 years old who live in Oneida County.
- Certificates are available for CNC Machinists, Welding, and Mechatronics
- Oneida County Local Development Corporation supported the program with $80,000 and additional funding is being sought from other sources to sustain the program and expand the pipeline of trained workers.